So here we are…

So I haven’t written anything since February. I gave my last post the title: An unexpected mountain to climb little did I know how high that mountain would be. I declared 2015 a year of grace back in January and is was and still is.

We as family and friends have been climbing all year and we reached the peak last Wednesday morning 14 October 2015 at 00:15 am when my dearest Mom went to meet her Savoir.

It was a journey full of ups and downs and I’ve learnt a lot about myself, God and the people surrounding me. I will share this with you in the coming days and weeks. Maybe a lot or maybe a little bit at a time. I really wanted to take part in the 31 Days this year but everything was just too hard. You’ll all “read” me in 2016 hopefully! Keep up the good writing and I enjoy “reading” all of you!

Published by

Amanda Calitz

Very creative. Happily married. Living on a plot with my husband and two dogs. Loving life.

7 thoughts on “So here we are…”

  1. Ah Amanda, I feel your pain as I too, lost my mom to cancer. Not an easy or fun mountain to climb. Coming down the other side can be hard too. Be kind To yourself. Sterkte!


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