Sunflowers and coffee.


I am very excited that I finally got to this point: writing a blog. I wanted to write a blog about my interests and especially about coffee. As my husband and I are only at the beginning of our journey with coffee I don’t know enough about coffee to have a blog only about that. I love to talk about coffee and food and hope that you would enjoy this discovery with me. I chose the name Sunflowers and coffee because a sunflower is my favorite flower. It reminds me to be positive and to always look up.  I chose the word coffee for reasons explained above but also because it reminds me of home and good times.

Before I go a little bit about me: I am happily married to an amazing husband. We live on a plot with our two dogs. We enjoy being out in the country. I am a very creative person always on the lookout to learn a new skill. At the moment our main focus is learning as much as possible about coffee and to become the best home barista’s possible.

Life is a journey and it is what you make of it.

I hope that you will linger next to the road with me every once in a while-hopefully with a cup of coffee in hand.
