Day 20: A blessing in disguise

It is 20 October 2014 and I am fine. I don’t even feel like crying or running away.

I didn’t think that I would survive 20 October 2013. For me it felt as if the world would end on that day. I was agonizing about this day for  weeks before the day. When it arrived everything was normal. The world didn’t end. The sun rose. Life went on.

20 October 2013 was the one year anniversary of my D&C. I was 8 weeks pregnant but it as a blighted ovum. When we found out that we were going to have a baby it was very exciting and unexpected.

17 October 2012

I went to the doctor for my 8 week checkup. There is only an almost empty sack on the sonar. The Doctor tells me it might be a blighted ovum but I must come back on 20 October  at 7 Am and then if there is no heartbeat he would have to do a D&C.

18-19 October 2012

We pray a lot and I negotiated a lot with God. It was two of the most intense days of my life.

20 October 2012

7 AM the doctor says that it is definitely a blighted ovum and he needs to do a D&C.   I was crying so much as they took me into theater that I had to hold my breath just to get anesthesia.

This event in my life taught me so much. Firstly it opened my eyes to women all around me that have experienced miscarriage and how it effects their daily lives. I was never even aware of this “world”. When I share my story a lot of women replies that it has happened to them too. Some have recovered and some haven’t. This have created a lot of ministry opportunities for me to share the love of Jesus. When I was at University we had long debates about when life starts etc. Today I know that it starts from the first seconds.

On this day 20 October 2014 I feel better than 20 October 2013. I still feel sad when I think about the baby that was never born. The one that I never knew but I know that he or she is safe with Jesus.  At least I don’t think the world is going to end because of this anymore. But I do remember the events sometimes at the weirdest of times like for example when I had to have the operation on my arm I remembered those moments when I went into theater that moment so vividly that I started crying. That was the last flashback I had of this events.

I see it now as a blessing because I could take care of a baby for a few weeks. I also see it as a blessing because I can have more empathy with the women around me.

Thanks for reading this. I needed to record this event in my life.

Stay blessed!



This post is part of the 31 days of 5 minute free writes challenge.

Please click here for a list of posts about Blessings. Please like my Facebook page to stay informed.

31 Blessings

Day 16: There is always a rainbow somewhere. Just look for it.

There is always a rainbow somewhere. Just look for it.

God gave Noah a rainbow as a reminder that He will never send so much rain again.


A rainbow is also a reminder for me that everything will be alright…

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To read more about my testimony click here.

This post is part of the 31 days of 5 minute free writes challenge.

Please click here for a list of posts about Blessings. Please like my Facebook page to stay informed.

31 Blessings

Day 10: 31 Blessings: I am blessed to have a testimony

I am blessed to know Jesus and I am blessed to have known him for a long time. I see this as His Amazing Grace.

Renee challenged everyone to write their own story today. As I see it as a true blessing to know Jesus I’ve decided to make it my post for the day.


I am very privileged as I grew up in a Christian home. My parents made a lot of effort to introduce my brother and sister and me to Jesus. My father was a minister so one would assume that all of his children would be “instant Christians.” It helped that we had the Bible and prayers from an early age each one of us had to find our own way. My mother and grandmother where always praying for us.

My story is way too long to write everything down here. I’ll share it at a later stage but for now I’d like to share the following that I’ve learnt in my life:

  1.  Jesus NEVER leaves you. He is always there. He gave His life for YOU.
  2. Jesus is your true companion.
  3. No matter what happens He will make something good out of it.
  4. Jesus never stops loving you.
  5. He wants what is best for you.
  6. You are able to overcome anything through His guidance and your belief in Him.
  7. There is always a rainbow somewhere. Just look for it.
  8. Keep on praying.
  9. God can use you no matter how broken you are.
  10. He allows things to happen to you in order for you to help others.

I’m going to share with you one story from my own life illustrating each point over the next few days.

This post is part of the 31 days of 5 minute free writes challenge.

Please click here for a list of posts about Blessings. Please like my Facebook page to stay informed.

I’ve linked this page to Give me grace

31 Blessings

Day 2: I am blessed with an AMAZING family.

I am blessed with a loving, caring family. My family is different. My family sometimes have strange ideas. I mean my whole family are not even living on the same continent. Everyone in my family wasn’t even born on the same continent.

family 1
My extended family on my mothers side.


Do we always agree? No

Do we all have the same ideas? No

Do we love each other always? Yes.


karin hawie amanda
I am the eldest of three children. I have a brother and a sister.

We have been through many ups and downs but at least we had each other through it all. I am truly blessed with a family like mine and wouldn’t swop them for the world!

Lindsay, Amanda, Mom, Hawie, Pieter and Karin


This post is part of the 31 Day blog challenge. For more posts in this series please click here.

family 2 family 3 family 4 family 6 family 7 family 8

For more posts in this series please click here

This post is part of the 31 days of 5 minute free writes challenge.

Day 1: It is my wedding anniversary today and I am blessed to be married.

Day 2: I am blessed with an AMAZING family.

Day 3: My mom is a blessing.

Day 4: My sister is a blessing (sometimes in disguise lol)

Day 5: My grandma was a blessing

Day 6: My brother and his wife is a blessing

Day 7: Our dogs are a blessing

Please click here for a list of posts about Blessings. Please like my Facebook page to stay informed.

31 Blessings

31 Days of blessings

I am excited to announce that in October I will be taking part in the 31 days of 5 minute free writes. My theme will be 31 Days of blessings. I really have so much to be thankful for!

Day 1: It is my wedding anniversary today and I am blessed to be married.

Day 2: I am blessed with an AMAZING family.

Day 3: My mom is a blessing.

Day 4: My sister is a blessing (sometimes in disguise lol)

Day 5: My grandma was a blessing

Day 6: My brother and his wife is a blessing

Day 7: Our Dogs are a blessing

Day 8: I am blessed by music

Day 9: I am blessed by music (2)

Day 10: I am blessed to have a testimony.

Day 11: Jesus gave His life for you.

Day 12: No matter what happens He will make something good out of it.

Day 13:Jesus never stops loving you.

Day 14: Jesus wants what is best for you.

Day 15: You are able to overcome anything through His guidance and your belief in Him.

Day 16:There is always a rainbow somewhere. Just look for it.

Day 17: Prayer is a blessing

Day 18: God can use you no matter how broken you are.

Day 19: God gave you a talent as a blessing.

Day 20:He allows things to happen to you in order for you to help others.

Please click here for a list of posts about Blessings. Please like my Facebook page to stay informed.

31 Blessings